blowing my nose on the hem of my dress
Mailbox Art Space, Naarm/Melb

blowing my nose on the hem of my dress
exhibition text/list/words, mostly gleaned from phone notes made between Sep 2018 - Feb 2019


elaine kahn says – i recommend altering the garment until no longer wearable

we each wrote our names on the oranges that we had personally selected because we didn’t trust the other to have picked a perfectly ripe orange
breakfast buffet, cross section of a banana

the weather report for a universal feeling of soothing
fresh peppercorn releases an odour in my pocket
bonding session with stray rocks

distilling smell
smelling perfume samples until u become light headed
the smell of sun roasted aus native plants
the elevator had the lingering smell of synthetic grape

spider nest in the collar of my jacket
a crab clawed spider guarding my mum’s sulo bin

the leaves are turning yellow from being trodden on between the hours of 9 and 5

a wrist watch with interchangeable straps
stomach acid bleaching the ground white

slices of pre toasted bread stored in a torn zip lock bag

the history of biscuits

Smiley Face Muscle Tee / A Piece Of Blu Tak With A Smiley Face Pressed Into It

headbanging by yourself

i expected someone to be around the corner and approached cautiously. but there was nobody there